A Platform Promoting Place-based Indigenous Knowledges, Indigenized Research and Future Generations.
Honor, Pride, and Respect. These values serve as the foundation to a worldview of knowledge in plural – transdisciplinary understanding and holistic experience – in order to promote proactive change through community-based collaboration. Patrick Austin Freeland cv hocefvke tos, este cate Mvskoke vm ete liketv Hotvltvlke tos momen vm etvlwv or omes (Wind Clan, Cussetah Tribal Town, Aneglie) is a graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University and Purdue University, learning of the interrelations of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Indigenous Peoples’ adaptation to climate change and preservation of tribal and cultural sovereignty. Patrick serves many professional roles, as: the Director for the Knowledge Sharing Network: Climate Education Centering Indigenous Knowledge Systems project with the Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network including managing the website for BuildingAFire.org; serves as an ecology and natural resource instructor at the College of the Muscogee Nation and Mvskoke Cultural Gardens coordinator; and leads "Project Red Bus," a climate resilience and convergence-science initiative with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. Through commitment-to-action, Patrick centers his work ethic and civic engagement through intergenerational knowledge-sharing and the utilization of interdisciplinary sciences, technologies, arts, and engineering, as a means to improve human and environmental health, social advancement, and intercultural understanding through reconciliation ultimately in response to a rapidly changing world. Patrick’s research and professional development have centered on climate change adaptation and mitigation, noncognitive development in education, and advancement of plural knowledge systems, and conscientiousness sustainable development .